Responding to Sexual Assault & Violence (O)

Date & Time:

Thursday 12 December 2024 (09:30 - 13:00)




Aim: To raise awareness of the provision & service delivery of the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) Cheshire together with Saint Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre & the forensic Medical Examination. They explore this difficult and sensitive topic with experts from the field, considering local statistics, offences relating to sexual violence, and highlighting the practical skills required when responding to survivors’ disclosures.

This session will enable you to gain awareness of;
* The term “Sexual Violence”
* Offences relating to sexual violence
* Referrals/ Stats- Local Picture
* Myths & Stereotypes
* The practical skills in responding to survivors disclosure
* Local service provision
* Referral pathways for survivors/ professionals

  • To increase knowledge & understanding of teh SARC
  • To raise awarenenss about the reasons why you should refer people to our service
  • To raise awareness of the examination and its benefits
  • To gain understanding about how to refer to SARC

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Venue Details:
