Reducing Parental Conflict (O)

Date & Time:

Wednesday 2 October 2024 (09:30 - 11:30)




“ Those who work closely with families are in a prime position to help identify couples and parents who may be at risk of, or who already are, experiencing conflict within their relationships.”
This session focusses on Reducing Parental Conflict. 
It will help you to recognise the difference between domestic abuse and parental conflict and its impact on family functioning and child outcomes in addition to helping you become familiar with the resources/tools available.

  • To recognise that there is a difference between domestic abuse and parental conflict.
  • To understand parental conflict and its impact on family functioning and child outcomes
  • To feel more confident about couple relationship quality enquiry in everyday practice
  • To become familiar with the with resources/tools available

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Venue Details:
