Working Together to Safeguard Children Refresher (FF)

Date & Time:

Monday 12 May 2025 (09:30 - 14:00)


Runcorn Town Hall,


Summary: This web course is recommended for all staff and volunteers working with children and young people and their families who have completed the Working Together to Safeguard Children Course and this is a refresher for that course. It is for those who would contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing the needs of children and parenting capacity.  Alongside having particular responsibilities in relation to section 47 enquiries; Child Protection Conferences and working with complex cases and co-ordinating assessments of Children in Need. 

Aim: To refresh & update knowledge in the guidance to Working Together to Safeguard Children.


  • Understand the role of the HCYPSP

  • Develop an awareness of recent changes to Safeguarding Policy, Practice & Legislation

  • Raise awareness of the key themes and learning from Case Reviews
  • Identifying the difference between disguised compliance and overoptimism. Awareness of the issues associated with managing families where disguisedcompliance and aggression is present (Professional Curiosity)
  • Learn appropriate methods of challenge that can be used with professionals & families (Professional Challenge)
  • Develop an understanding of Contextual Safeguarding (Risk outside the home)


Places Available:


Further Information:


Venue Details:

Runcorn Town Hall,